StickerTalk Allow 8 Feet Wheelchair Access Vinyl Sticker, 10 inches x 3 inches


10in x 3in (254mm x 76.2mm) Allow 8 Feet Wheelchair Access Vinyl Sticker

Product Description:

This sticker is 10 inches wide by 3 inches tall.  The word, ATTENTION, is printed near the top of the sticker in white letters on a black background.  Below that, the words, WHEELCHAIR ACCESS REQUIRED PLEASE ALLOW 8 FEET, are printed in white letters with black outlining on a blue background.   A white dynamic disability symbol is printed on the right side of the sticker.  This carefully crafted product is durable and easily visible, making it a great way to make loading wheelchairs as easy as possible!

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Allow 8 Feet Wheelchair Access Vinyl Sticker
StickerTalk Allow 8 Feet Wheelchair Access Vinyl Sticker, 10 inches x 3 inches

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