StickerTalk Goes Trunk-or-Treating

As millions of people celebrated Halloween this past Tuesday, StickerTalk was eager to join the festivities! Our hometown of Buna, Texas, hosts a plethora of community-wide celebrations, including Buna United Pentecostal Church’s Trunk-or-Treat. A member of the StickerTalk team participated in this event, armed with a decorated car trunk, copious quantities of candy, and a stack of StickerTalk stickers. Her decorative theme “Fishers of Men,” Katie handed out specially designed Christian fish stickers to excited trunk-or-treaters, proving that StickerTalk products can enhance any celebration. Do you have an upcoming event? Be sure to include StickerTalk stickers or magnets in your festivities! Our carefully crafted products make fantastic party favors, birthday gifts, and decorations. Browse our website to pick a product, or contact us to place a custom order. Here at StickerTalk, we design, produce, and sell our quality-made products to help you make every day a holiday!

Oval Christian Fish Sticker

Trunk or Treat Fishers of Men

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