Author Archives: Lillie J

The Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree

Snowman Merry Christmas Magnet

The Rockefeller Christmas Tree is traditionally a Norway Spruce that is donated for display at Rockefeller Center in Manhattan, New York. The tree is cut and delivered in mid-November and the lighting ceremony occurs the Wednesday after Thanksgiving. Interestingly enough, the tree cannot be more than 100 ft. tall because of the narrow streets around […]

Fall’s Spooky Arrival

happy halloween

With the arrival of fall, come pumpkins, scarecrows, bats and other spooky Halloween decorations. How did America incorporate this holiday into its seasonal celebrations? Scarecrows actually were used 3,000 years ago to ward off crows who were consuming the farmers’ corn. During medieval times, children would run through the fields throwing stones at the crows […]

Balls of Fried Dough?

I Love Donuts Magnet

In 1998, Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation donated to the Smithsonian Institution a 5-foot contraption which was once America’s most advanced donut maker, “Ring King Jr”. It was Krispy Kreme’s 60th anniversary. However, the Dutch are credited with bringing the now popular breakfast treat to New York under the name of “oylykoeks,” or “oily cakes”. These […]

Man’s Best Friend: Service Dogs

Service Dogs on Premises Vinyl Sticker

Service dogs are considered “working dogs,” not “pets”. There are 80 million such dogs living in households within the United States. These dogs are trained to help and be companions for people with disabilities. A service dog helps disabled people lead more independent lives. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a service dog […]

America’s Awesome Preserved Lands


Yellowstone National Park was established in 1872 by Congress preserving federal land in the western United States. The park is located in parts of Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho for the “…benefit and enjoyment of the people.” This congressional act began a worldwide effort in creating national parks. President Wilson realized the importance of protecting these […]

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